Versorgungsbetriebe Amrum AöR
Island of Amrum
Amrum lies in the midst of the nature paradise “UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site Wadden Sea”. Around 10,000 different plant and animal species live here!
Amrum lighthouse of 1875
Island of Amrum (mit 2 sewage plants)
Short description
- Area: 20,5 km2 (+ 10 km2 Kniepsand, a natural bank of sand)
- Width: 2,5 km
- Length: 10 km
- Inhabitants: 2300 in 3 municipalites
- Inhabitants + guests (season): > 10.000
- Number of overnight stays: 1.3 millions per year
- Arrival: Ferry (2 hours from Dagebüll)
- Automobile island: Yes – (very bike-friendly!)
- Characteristics: family-friendly
- Imprint: Kniepsand, dune scenery, wood, tideland and beach
Versorgungsbetriebe Amrum AöR (institution under public law)
2007 administrative fusion of Föhr and Amrum, on this occasion transition from own plant operation to AöR
- Divisions: Drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, harbour, lighthouse memorial, petrol station
- 9 employees
- Revenue about 3 Mio. €
- Quantity of drinking water supplied approx. 360.000 m³ per year (1 waterworks, 5 vertical filter wells, water treatment with sand quick filters, hardening with limestone granulate, no continual chlorination)
- 2 SBR sewage plants (KA Nebel 9.950 EW, KA Wittdün 4.999 EW)
- 15 wastewater pumping stations
- Separate sewer system (responsibility for rainwater drainage: municipalites)
- Length of sewerage system: approx. 29 km (material mostly stoneware)
- Length of pipe network for water supply: about 42 km
- Domestic connections: approx. 1,300
Sewage plant Nebel (the biggest of the two plants)
Required effluent quality
- BSB5 = 20 mg/l
- CSB = 90 mg/l
- Ges.-N = 18 mg/l (new)
- NH4-N = 10 mg/l (new)
- Ges.-P = 2 mg/l (new)
Basis for assessment
- Dry weather floy = 1.601 m³/d
- Maximum amount of water per hour = 162 m³/h
EKO PLANT plant – 3 patches for soilification of the sewage sludge
- 65 t TS/a (1,5 % TS), corresponding to ca. 4,300 m³/a wet sludge
- Filling time approx. 20 years